Midvaal unveils four new parks in commemoration of Arbor Day
In honuor of Arbor Day and Week, Midvaal Local Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Ald Peter Teixeira, and Members of the Mayoral Committee proudly introduced four newly upgraded and developed parks within the municipality.
South Africa traditionally observes Arbor Week in the first week of September, and on September 7, 2023, Midvaal celebrated its Arbor Day.
These recently unveiled parks are situated in strategic locations, including Savanna City Bonded Section – Pocket 4, Savanna RDP Section, Riversdale, and Meyerton Farms. Each park has undergone significant enhancements, with amenities such as outdoor gym equipment, children’s playpark facilities, and added fencing in the case of Meyerton Farms Park.
The launch and establishment of these parks underscore our unwavering commitment to enriching the well-being of our community. By providing accessible and enjoyable public spaces, we aim to enhance the quality of life for our residents.
In addition to this milestone, the Executive Mayor and his team of Mayoral Committee Members led a tree-planting ceremony. This endeavor is part of our broader greening initiative, which seeks to plant and maintain indigenous trees across the municipality.
Greening, in this context, encompasses a holistic approach to planting, nurturing, and managing all vegetation in urban and rural areas, thereby securing multiple benefits for our communities.
To further champion the cause of greening in Midvaal, local schools will receive a donation of trees for planting on their premises. Households within the municipality are also encouraged to participate by applying to receive trees from the municipality’s Parks Section.
Detailed information on the application process for receiving trees will be made available through the municipality’s official website and social media channels. This initiative aims to actively involve our community in nurturing and sustaining our natural environment for generations to come.