
Midvaal expands fleet to enhance public safety

In a significant move towards enhancing public safety, the Midvaal Local Municipality has expanded its fleet with state-of-the-art safety vehicles and equipment. This initiative aligns with the mayoral commitment to making the community safer for all residents and visitors.

The municipality has introduced two high-performance Ford Raptors to its new law enforcement task team. These vehicles come equipped with advanced technology, including number plate recognition cameras linked to the South African Police Service (SAPS) database. This feature will significantly aid in identifying vehicles involved in criminal activities.

Additionally, the Ford Raptors are equipped with drones for aerial surveillance and will serve as an armed response unit, boosting the municipality’s capability to respond swiftly and effectively to incidents. Further enhancing the safety measures, the municipality has procured a cutting-edge boat named Marine 1 for Vaal Marina.

Locally manufactured by Sensation Boats, this boat is the first of its kind to be used inland on dams and is equipped with radar and sonar technology, as well as night vision cameras. Marine 1 will operate exclusively on the Vaal Dam in cooperation with the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) and the SAPS Water Wing.

This investment is expected to make Vaal Marina a safer and more attractive destination, especially during the holiday season. The new fleet will become operational once all necessary licenses are in place and operational requirements, such as hiring safety officers, are met. This expansion reflects the municipality’s commitment to investing in areas where residents will feel the most benefit, ensuring they feel safe and secure.

Alderman Peter Teixeira, the Executive Mayor, emphasized the importance of this investment: “We pride ourselves on spending money where our residents feel the most benefit, and these expansions will ensure that they feel safe. We remain dedicated to investing in the safety and security of all people in Midvaal.”

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